From A Doll Pattern A Month Circle
  1. Loosen up your idea of what a doll actually is.
  2. Allow yourself to dream of what you really want to create.
  3. Doodle some ideas and make some variations.
  4. Choose the idea you want to make your doll from.
  5. Draw your doll in the actual size you would like to end up with.
  6. Trace your doll parts on tracing paper.
  7. Once you trace your doll parts make a dotted line cutting line approximately 3/4 of an inch outside of the traced lines. This allows for stuffing so your doll will come out to the approximate size you are imaging.
  8. Pin to fabric and cut out you pattern pieces.
  9. Sew, stuff pattern parts and hand sew the stuffing seam.
  10. Draw, appliqué and/or paint your doll’s features. Don’t forget to sign your art doll.